Saturday, November 13, 2010

...So high, people. (intros & double meanings)

Hello. I'm 14, and I'm an artist and a writer. Not much else to say, except that I hope I've chosen the right community, one that's not full of idiots, and not full of people that criticize others as if everything they've spoken is an essay. I hope everybody enjoys what I post here; if you don't, go somewhere else and leave not a trace of your passing.

I notice now, that I had quite a bit to say, and I bid you goodbye for now.


Anonymous said...

A little tough on your critics, eh my wonderful and talented nephew? i think you will find a lot of amazing people here who will love your work, and who will treat you with respect as long as you also respect them.

Good to see you!

Beth Niquette said...

What an interesting well-spoken young man you are! I am sure we are ALL going to have a lot of fun getting acquainted with you!

I'm looking forward to it--and not just because you are my talented nephew.

Beth Niquette said...

Hello, Nyuura! I've featured your artwork and blog on FAT (featured artist Tuesday) Artist Spotlight today.

I really do love your artwork and I hope you continue on. Your writing skills, by the way, are amazing.

Have a fabulous week!

Nyuura said...

Thanks, people, although I didn't expect you guys to promote me so quickly. I wanted to save up my creations so that it LOOKS like I've been constantly making them. And personally, I think it's funny to feature somebody who has barely anything up

Beth Niquette said...

Except for one thing--I LOVE to encourage new and budding artists. You are definitely up and coming, Jon.