Tuesday, December 28, 2010

006 & 007

These cards are a while back. In fact, I made these DIRECTLY after I made the first four. They're "prehistoric", almost.

(Thank god that came out right). Say hello to the only card that has a heart on it thus far, and arguably the simplest card I've made too: Too shades and a heart for accent. I like it.

(Whew. I was worried about this one). The scanner seems to have given a neat effect to my gems here. I don't know about this one, seeing as I just glued very unrelated stuff on a card. Really, the only two things I like about this card are the name, "Mountain Springs,"
and the sentence that the fully visible words on the eye say.

"By the rules. Power to do some {not all}."


That's all for now, folks!

Monday, December 27, 2010

023 & 024

Back with more recents:

I call this "Favoritism", because it contains my favorite number, 38, as well as my favorite color combination. Suprisingly, it makes a rather mediocre card. That's pretty awakening I guess.
And the next:

Mr. Happy Happy Fun Time Guy who Probably Drinks, or "Mr. Douchebag". This might be more for comedic effect, maybe, I guess.

Also, for both cards, you might notice some sort of gleam. That's because they were scanned while they were still in their sheaths.

Speaking of scanning, that process I've forgot to mention, sorry, is not being maintained by me. Rather, it is Clytie, the person you people know so well for her Random Hearts and her own ACEOs, which I enjoy very much. I thank her for being the behind-the-scenes person behind my postage.

That's all for now, folks!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

021 & 022

I'm back, finally!

Here's a couple of cards I did sort of recently:

This card made Sunday School useful to me, as I used parts of a fish the kids were supposed to make. I call it Fake Diamond (while I was showing someone else this card they said something about Zirconium, another name for fake diamond?), because it looks more like someone carved it out, or a crown missing a jewel.

And the next:

This one, also one of my recents, was purely experimental. As you can see, it is just some lined paper with some of my chicken scratches. And as you'll notice, there are some "side notes" that are some of my own quotes regarding resentment of the Media, and a reaction to something I wasn't supposed to say on my behalf. I say things I shouldn't quite often as you would tell.

I suppose that's all for now, folks! Looking forward to some of those opinions!

P.S. I'll be titleing my ACEO card blog posts in the form of what is on the back of the cards. They are numbered chronologically, as it would be a great pain in the something to number it any way else.

The Hiatus is Dead!

I didn't think it'd be that hard to kill.

Cards will be posted 2 at a time, now, since I have made a total of 26 prior to the time that I am posting. I hope I'll be making cards during the double-post fiasco so that I don't have to resurrect the Hiatus.

Merry Day After Christmas! Go do exactly what I'm NOT doing and play with your new-found toys!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Am a Fool

Due to my stupidity, I have forgotten to ready my cards for their exposure to the interwebz. However, NEXT week I will have even more!

Kinda stating the obvious here, but it's optimistic, sort of. Wow I just said something optimistic holy crap. See ya!